To enrol
You can become a member of BC '85 by filling in a registration form. This can be found at the bottom of the website.
The registration fee is € 22.50, which includes the first month's contribution.
Termination of membership
Membership can only be terminated using the form below,
you will then receive a confirmation from the member administration.
The notice period is 1 month.
The contribution is 12 equal amounts per year. Contributions are therefore also due during holidays. The member pays his monthly contribution himself.
The contribution is paid monthly and amounts to
• for 16 year old € 10 per month (€ 120 per year)
• for 17 year old € 11 per month (€ 132 per year)
• from 18 years €12.50 per month (€150 per year)
• for competition players € 2.50 per month is added
The contribution is transferred to account number NL06 ABNA,
tnv BC'85, Helmond stating your name
Sports are entirely at your own risk. The association cannot be held liable.